Surprisingly my Facebook Mentor….Strive Masiyiwa is presently doing a series on innovation and technology called “Turn your business into a technology company” to show how important this law is even to the CEO of a multinational company.
There’s no award for doing things manually, automate. If your process and gadget doesn’t make things better, safer, simpler, work faster and life easier, then it’s not it- REPLACE IT
How to Innovate
Follow these steps:
▪Select a product or service to innovate.
▪Create a list of its components.
▪Apply a TEMPLATE to each component. This creates a VIRTUAL PRODUCT. It is virtual because it does not exist. It Should not seem to make any sense to you at first. That is okay…that is how the method works.
▪Take the VIRTUAL PRODUCT and think of all the ways it could be useful. What problems does it solve? What benefits does it offer? Who would use it.
▪Repeat the process using a different component.
▪Repeat the entire process using a different TEMPLATE.
Here are the TEMPLATES
✔SUBTRACTION: removing an essential component and keeping only what is left
✔MULTIPLICATION: making a copy of a component but changing it in some way.
✔DIVISION: dividing a component out of the product and putting it back somewhere else, OR taking the component and physically dividing it.
✔TASK UNIFICATION: assigning an additional task to an existing component- giving it a new job in addition to its existing job.
I hope it helps, if it did not…this YouTube video will do
Or get the book on Jumia…
It’s #MotivationMonday…Have a blessed week.
Reviewed by Eizu Uwaoma and Victor Bella for Hexavia!
..and we are©Hexavia!
Follow this link to the audio version of Laws of Innovation and Technology:
To download the complete Hexavian Laws of Business Audio Book, click on the link below: