We all need consultants.
Some people are just good at some things, others are not. Outsource every area of your business that is not your core or you can not be number 1 or 2 in.
Outsource them to people who that part is their number one strength. Its called consultancy and teamwork!
I agree with Clinton during the Democratic Convention that the future of every great business and the world depends on collaboration. To go fast is to go alone, to go far, let’s go together. Show me any great front end accomplishment and look deeper and you’ll see a secret, a stronger back end that supported it.
At Hexavia, what we basically do is to play that all important back end to a lot of successful front end companies.
We offer back end services for their dreams and ideas, (strategy and training) and to emerging great organisations you know. And in one of the session with one of our proud products, Slot, I broke down the FrontEnd- Backend concept!
Your health is a back-end to your work. A concierge is a back end of a 5 star hotel. “Everyone and everything has a front end and a back end.
The front end operation brings the money, but the back end helps the operation work better.
You should be good with your front end, and then outsource the backend, which is someone else’s front end. Does this make sense?” How loud can you clap with only one hand?
There is a great power in synergy.
The key to greatness whether in business or in life is to find the right team, a collection of people who are more passionate, far better than others and even the best at what they individually do. This starts when you identify your strength, and then outsource your weakness, which is someone’s strength.
Let’s help with your weakness.
Eizu, © We are Hexavia!.

Weldone and God Bless
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