March 10, 2025
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Metadidomi (How to Rise Again)

Nothing really changes until a sacrifice is given”.

12 Dec 2015, New Mexico, USA --- Dec. 12, 2015 - Jemez Springs, NM, United States of America - A woman views the ruins of the San JosŽ de los JŽmez Mission part of the Jemez Historic Site illuminated by hundreds of small paper lanterns known as luminaria to celebrate the holiday season December 12, 2015 in Jemez Springs, New Mexico. The site is in the JŽmez Indian pueblo and contains an early 17th-century mission complex. (Credit Image: © Richard Ellis via ZUMA Wire) --- Image by © Richard Ellis/ZUMA Press/Corbis


“Easter is just a metaphor”, he said. I thought about it as the atheist said to me, “what is the big deal about a man dying on the cross for a cause. Anyone could have died for a cause, after all, the ISIS, Boko Haram die daily strapped with bombs for what they truly believe in”. Thinking about it, I realized what the true story is.

25 Mar 2016, Philippines --- March 25, 2016 - Philippines - A devotee walks up Calvary Hill in Cutud, Pampanga before the crucifixion rights. Flagellants are nailed to the cross in observance of Good Friday. Although the Catholic Church has been vocal against any form of flagellation and crucifixion, several penitents still chose to be nailed to the cross because of their life long vows. (Credit Image: © J Gerard Seguia via ZUMA Wire) --- Image by © J Gerard Seguia/ZUMA Press/Corbis

The real story is about God and his love for His Son and even in that love, how he was willing to give Him away. So the real story isn’t about a man who died, but it’s about God who laid a part of Himself as a sacrifice for us. Easter is a metaphor for the most powerful principle that works. Nothing really changes until something is given. It is a principle that even God had to obey. It is about giving up something dear for a desired change to occur. It is about giving to recreate. There is so much depth in the statement “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”. John 3:16 KJV

Every time I sit in the table of men in higher places, from politicians to business men, I notice some strange principalities, but as long as they are successful, I see their common baseline when they talk. In those dinner tables, they put away their differences and begin to talk about their charities. And I see their common grounds as why they are truly successful, “Generousity!”.

18 Dec 2015, New York City, New York State, USA --- New York City's Avenue of Americas travels through the center of the island of Manhattan, a busy section of commercial activity and the home of the corporate headquarters of the Bank of America. It is a perfect place to witness the increase of homelessness in New York. The homeless had been pushed to the edges of the city by the police, but they have returned to the heart of the city as rising housing prices and luxury buildings have provided so few options for the poor. --- Image by © Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis

In a world of hand down mentalities, people do not succeed that much because they always want to take without giving something first, from others. I see this everywhere. In very circular circle, interacting with very rich people, I found a truth. The truth is, no one succeeds or becomes wealthy or great by receiving, success comes from giving.

We are all getting better based on how much we can give. We got here because a few people from the past made sacrifices for us. From our parents to inventors who created the technologies we use today all to the mythical and spiritual models upon which our different religions were founded on. They gave!

Isaac getting 1Slaughtered






Abraham was ready to “Give” his only son. Solomon gave so much offering, and that’s how he got wisdom. Years later Christianity began because God went further ahead and “gave” his only son. The lesson to learn is that before any great accomplishment must come sacrifice and giving. I’ll share a secret. When I want something so bad, I take a small portion of that thing I want but don’t have yet, and then I sow it to someone who needs just that thing, and then magic happens. The golden rule is that you “sow what you reap”. So for example, if i need to begin to build my own house, I’ll take a portion of that money that is not enough though intended to buy that land to pay for someone’s rent. Or if you need to do your masters degree program abroad and can’t afford the fees, take a portion of that saving to purchase JAMB and WAEC forms for those needing admissions too. Do you understand the ritual?

If you must get, give!

Nigeria Mail Blast Letter 5






Our holy book says that a man’s gift maketh way for him. Generous people are the most powerful people in the world. In life, a lot of us struggle to get unknowingly because we really do not give. We think with an entitlement mentality. At every chance we get we want people to give us. We forget that blessed is the giver and not the receiver.

There’s always something to give, if nothing then, at least, begin to posses the “give your best” mentality. Remember we do not inherit this world from our parents alone we also borrow it from our children. Your future success and that of our world, love and life isn’t about how much you can take but in how much you can give. Possess the spirit of sacrifice, the spirit of giving and the spirit of Easter.

Happy Easter Monday


Eizu, ©Hexavia!

Strategy. Business Startup and Corporate Restructuring Consulting

T: 08035202891

Uwaoma Eizu is the lead strategist at Hexavia!

He is a graduate of Mathematics with two MBAs and over a decade of experience working with startups and big businesses. He is an entrepreneur and sits on a lot of boards too. His core is in building startups and in corporate restructuring. He is also a certified member of the Nigerian Institute of Management, Institute of Strategic Management of Nigeria and the Project Management Institute, USA. By the side, he writes weekly for the Business Day newspaper.

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1 comment

chidi March 31, 2016 at 8:39 pm

Dr Mike Mudorch put it this way, “God makes happen for me, what I make happen for others”


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