We didn’t have much money when we started. Thinking about it now, we were so broke then. So broke that in 2003 we would walk from VI to Ikoyi through the Falomo bridge. I was 16 years old and was on my way to see a best friend who later became the popular artist, Lynxxx. During one of our long walks, we looked over the bridge and saw lots of Nigerians. Turning to Lynxxx I said, “I’ll never be poor. How can I, when these millions of Nigerians owe me!”
Wealth is simple. All we need to do is to create value: a world and a business that millions will need and have to pay for. Like the men who built the modern world: Vanderbilt (shipping and railroads), Rockefeller (oil and gas), Carnegie (steel), JP Morgan (Investment and banking), Ford(cars), Gates (IT), Jobs (innovation), Jack Welsh (management), Russel Simmons (Hip-Hop), we need to do this here.
Moving on…
This lockdown, it’s a perfect time to review performance, set goals and mindmap a better year ahead. Who better to manage your team’s strategy & recalibrating session and retreat during this COVID-19 business season?

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-Eizu, ©Hexavia!
Corporate Trainings, Retreats and Strategy Sessions. Business StartUps and Corporate Restructuring Consulting
T: 08035202891
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