To win (whether life, a task, business or success), you don’t need the reflexes of a Formula 1/Grand Prix driver, the grand slam mastery of Serena Williams, the Muscles of Hercules, or the mind of an Einstein. You simply need to know what to do and who can help you do it better. #synergy, #strateg
When you say “I” and “my” too much, you lose the capacity to understand the “we” and “our” : #TeamWork which is the only key for sustainable success.
The idea of “self made”, and a “lone ranger” is a myth. The fundamentals of the world and everything in it are built on the concept of a system. And for a system to work, every entity should work as a team including the smallest part (even the biggest doors depend and hang on small hinges).
At Hexavia, what we basically do is to play that all important back end to a lot of successful companies. We offer back end services for their dreams and ideas, (strategy and trainings) and to emerging great organisations you know. And in one of the session with one of our proud products, Slot, I broke down the FrontEnd- Backend concept!
Your health is a back -end to your work.
A concierge is a back end of a 5 star hotel.
“Everyone and everything has a front end and a back end. The front end operation brings the money, but the back end helps the operation work better. You should be good with your front end, and then outsource the backend, which is someone else’s front end. Does this make sense?”
It’s called teamwork!
Remember, a team cannot be a group of people with equal skills, but rather, a team is that with equal commitment!
To go fast, go alone. But to go far, go together.
An effective teamwork divides the effort and then multiplies the results.
Always find a Ying to your Yang, find your balance, always find people who can help. None of us is as smart as all of us. You can’t make a loud clap with one hands!
I am thinking, this week and month, how can we help? #Synergy
Let’s Go Further Ahead…Together!
What do you have in mind?
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BusinessPlan. Strategy. Brand. Mgt Consulting. Training.#HexavianMasterclas
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