So I would want to ask this question; As a CEO, top executive or employee, what do you think is the most wanted resource these days?
Note: Consider the question with respect to recruiting team members…
You can leave a comment in the comment box below.
The world is getting more and more competitive. Employers become more demanding, employees have higher expectations, customers constantly want better products, faster – it all revolves around knowledge and organizations/people who learn quicker win the race.
Lets get this going…
In position to recruit team members one thing is a most wanted resource; Knowledge.
No recruiter wants someone who is not knowledgeable and so does the employee want a place where he/she can grow.
P.S: This conclusion is based on my experience with few employees. (Subject to your opinion)-
In the 1990’s Peter Senge the author of the book, The Fifth Discipline, popularized the term Learning Organizational.
According to Senge, learning organizations are;
“Organizations where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning to see the whole together”.
Why are we talking about this here?
I discovered that in these times and season, you can get anything done as a learning organization. In order to survive in this highly competitive world, organizations have to learn continuously. Only companies who regularly enhance their knowledge will be able to effectively respond to change.
Remember, change is constant and so you might want to participate in multidisciplinary projects.
Cross-boundary knowledge sharing improves innovation, organizational learning and enhances productivity. It also helps teams realize their full potential.
But then what makes a great team?
Simply people with different skillsets that complement each other.
TIP: Creating multi-disciplinary projects is a great initiative to improve knowledge sharing in your organization.
Don’t encourage too solo workers in your team.
How then do you improve knowledge sharing within your organization?
- Organize regular brainstorming sessions.
- Test new concepts; let your team throw ideas on each other.
- Make them realize that there is a problem when you are always the smartest in your team.
- Let them know being challenged is the best way to come up with new ideas and new ways of thinking.
- Create a knowledge base.
You can decide on the frequency of the meetings, the key is to make them regular and also each time a different person presents their findings, it should be both fun and educational.
Also it is beneficial to have a place where you can “store” knowledge that is accessible to everyone, irrespective where they are so create a knowledge base.
Have you recently created a great presentation?
Do you have some marketing materials that you would like to share?
You can store it in a knowledge base.
Setting up a knowledge base is a simple and effective solution to improve knowledge sharing as it will also help you with onboarding new employees.
Just remember to create appropriate folders and include a little folder description which will make adding and finding files easier.
Meanwhile, I think this process can also be automated using some software, i will share some at the end of this post.
- Assign learning partners.
- Mentorship is good, but not exactly relaxed and cool.
- How about you consider assigning a learning partner to your new employee(s).
This way you are sure that knowledge is shared or transferred within your organization. And you do not have someone who is immersed into growing within your team.
NOTE: The quality of people in your team determines your level of productivity.
You cannot share a 4×4 idea with a 2×2 mind.
Create an organization that will grow individual minds and you would have them give there all to get productive.
So I will suggest the use of some softwares such as GSuite (Google drive, Google doc etc.), Slack, and Evernote.
Meanwhile, you should get the book by Peter Senge.
Book Review by: Chika Isaac Innocent