March 10, 2025
Hexavia Business Club
Career News Feed

Lessons from Facilitating the CBN Retreat

I am still excited. Towards the end of last quarter, I found myself in Owerri to facilitate the Central Bank of Nigeria’s Annual Retreat that held there

Dreams come through. I still feel that nostalgia. This was because 7 years ago I graduated from a university here, I left that town as a student unsure of what next. I followed a dream and years later, I came back differently, I was  the youngest there, chauffeur driven with security and being welcomed by bank directors twice my age, to do business with Nigeria’s national bank. It has only got to be grace and the 10, 000 hour rule. The 10, 000 hour rule says you will be a master in anything you can dedicate 10, 000 hours of practice into. especially if it is inline with your gift, interest and commitment. The truth is, whatever you give your whole self to gives itself back to you. So give 10, 00 hours of your lifetime consistently to something and see what happens next.
The true meaning of life is to find your gift. But the purpose of life is to give it away.
I had a blast, not because of the pay, because I love to speak. And yes, its  God’s joy to see you make a living, charge a fEE for what you naturally will do for frEE!

Too many people struggle, climbing a ladder only to get to the top and then realize that it is leaning on the wrong wall. To make a living doing what you love and is very good at is key. But to get to that point takes mastery. It starts from starting early and going at it consistently till the terrain is mastered and mastery is achieved. Once again, it boils down to the 10, 000 hour rule.


In medicine, by Corpus Collosum, it has been proven that the cell arrangement and structure between your left and right brain is forever altered to perform differently, after about 10 000 hours of practice. At that point, what you do becomes a part of you, effortlessly. It’s called Mastery.

I’m grateful for the understanding of mastery and the ability to have a platform to exhibit it. Today than ever, I totally agree that “dreams are like stars,you may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.

Stick to your dream, do your best, and the next time, get better than that best.. I had a great time in Owerri, my first love.

Written By Eizu Uwaoma,
© Hexavia!.

BusinessPlan. Strategy.
Brand. Mgt Consulting. Training.

About Eizu Uwaoma

Eizu Uwaoma is the founder & lead strategist of Hexavia, a business, brand, training & management consulting firm. Through his weekly features nationwide on radio, he connects with more than 5 million professionals, personally interacting with over 500 top executives & has intervened in over 50 businesses. He has a proficient gift, skill and experience in enterprise development. He is an authority in brand, human capital and business training as well as project consultancy.

He runs the Decoded, a monthly hangout for professionals in all major Nigerian cities. He also facilitates at the Hexavian Masterclass and is the founder of the Hexavian Business Club.

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