When we all think alike, then no one is thinking- BE CREATIVELY DIFFERENT. Think out of the box, as a matter of fact, you should think like there’s no box.
Scientifically, we have the 3B’s of creativity (Creativity comes alive more in the Bus, the Bedroom and the Bathroom). It may come in different forms, so you have to find yours.
Find your quiet time, create quiet moments as often as you can. Know where best you mentally and creatively perform.
How to Boost Your Creativity
✔Commit yourself to developing your creativity.
✔Become an expert.
✔Reward your curiosity.
✔Realize that Creativity is sometimes it’s own reward.
✔Be willing to take risks.
✔Build your confidence.
✔Make time for creativity.
✔Overcome Negative attitudes that block creativity.
✔Fight your fear of failure.
✔Brainstorm to inspire new ideas.

Eizu, ©Hexavia!
Strategy. Business StartUps and Corporate Restructuring Consulting
T: 08035202891
Uwaoma Eizu is the lead strategist at Hexavia! He is a graduate of Mathematics with two MBAs and over a decade of experience working with startups and big businesses. His core is in building startups and in corporate restructuring. He is also a certified member of the Nigerian Institute of Management, Institute of Strategic Management of Nigeria and the Project Management Institute, USA. By the side, he writes weekly for the Business Day newspaper.
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