March 10, 2025
Hexavia Business Club
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Am I sad, but why?

32 feet above sea level, starring out of the window pane into the future from the heavens on a flight some years back, I found myself sad. I had woken up, sad and heartbroken. A top business mogul who runs a major part of Nigeria’s electronics and phone accessories industry had just died. He died with his business partner who seconds as his wife in a motor accident on his way back from the Xmas holiday. This is a true story, of the owner of a brand we most have their gadget or device in our homes.
As the news broke, I broke down in tears. I had been introduced to him a few years ago and it was amazing what he has built. I over heard someone say, “He and his wife have spent decades building one of Nigeria’s biggest pride and brand”. He was a genius with what he was building. With that blueprint only in his head, with that head laid to rest, what is the future of that firm?
I was on a flight back from initiating a structure for growth and succession. We got that project simply by asking the founder a question I am about to ask you Mr CEO/ employee..
My question to you is ” for how long can the people you love keep up with living the lifestyle you have provided if you stopped doing what you’re doing right now”?

I am not just saying this because I am a business and management consultant. Everyone who runs a business, has to have a structure. it’s painful when we build this dream and sustainability becomes absent.

Everyone needs to institutionalize what they know and have so it can be shared with those, create a structure for what they do and develop blueprint and those who can make it better. So it can be transferred to the next person. It doesn’t matter how large or small your success is, have a documented blueprint and model (a Business Plan) , an enterprise manual and a set of documented Standard Operating Procedures (S.O.P).
Hexavia can help you with all these…
My dear,

There’s a huge difference between success, significance, achievement and truly building sustenance (structure/system). Anyone can succeed, as a one off. But to keep it going, there are steps to it.
Achievement comes to someone when he is able to do great things for himself.

Success comes when he empowers people to do great things with him.

Significance comes when he develops people to do great things for him, but legacy; an institution and a system is created only when a person puts his organization into the position to do great things without him.

An institution is a system designed to outlive the founder. And systems run on processes and consistency.. Persistency is not the same as consistency. To get something, you need persistency, but to keep that thing you need consistency.
A system is a set of consistent processes that can run without you. Success is never ending and failure is never final. Success should be a cycle. And like a bicycle, the number of complete cycle in a period of time determines its speed and balance. The distance and true test of a cycle is in its afterwards. My dear, organisation is something you should create . Be organised. As your start up becomes a business, and as that business grows, you’ll need to build systems and processes that can be automated as much as possible. You’ll need to build a model, define and document a business plan, create SOPs for your distribution systems, inventory systems, marketing systems, customer relationship and support systems, research and development systems, effectiveness and performance measurement and improvement systems, accounting and hiring systems, and many others.

Systems are rules, policies, and procedures that on boarded and trained individuals can repeat as your company grows and run independent of you. To do this, you will need..//..
HExavia can help you with this.//


Business Plan. Start Up Consulting. Corporate Restructuring. Brand. Strategy. Project Mgt


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