March 10, 2025
Hexavia Business Club
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Why We Started HBC and Decoded


Forever young, that’s what we are really trying to be. The truth is, “anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” – Henry Ford


I got here by people I met and the things I know. But still, I could have been more, if I knew more. The same goes for everyone. We all have to keep learning, and I’ve always thought education shouldn’t  be boring. It should be creative; for creativity itself can be defined as intelligence having fun. The HBC (HexavianBusinessClub is an exciting community of Nigeria’s most successful and powerful minds).

The Hexavian Business Club is a community and network of top level executives and alumni of the Hexavian Masterclass. It runs in major Nigerian cities. It is for those enthusiastic about business, life and career growth. You never can tell who you’ll meet at our circle.


We have engagements offline and online. Our physical meeting and hangout is called Decoded. To help you grow better online, we have the blogs, webinairs, and our highly active Whatsapp groups (if you’re a member of the HBC/MasterclassAlumni), we divided the days of the week into themes as follows:

1.Monday is #MotivationMonday,


2.Tuesday is #ImprovementTuesday


3.Wednesday is #ReflectionWednesday,


4.Thursday is #TroubleShootThursday.


5.Friday is #DecodedFriday (for book or concept (movie, brand, celebrity etc) review of the book, will be giving heads up from the beginning of the week),


6.Saturday is #HappySaturday (Jokes, fun, play)


  1. Sunday is #RelationshipSunday (soul searching for intra and inter relationships and emotional intelligence..


We believe this will help us grow better as a community. While we physically converge at least once a month (depending on what city you are in) through our monthly hang out called Decoded. Decoded is more than a corporate evening hangout. It is also game on the 6 degrees of separation. Just like in any game, “to be smart, play with people who are smarter”. Our network and community is poised to always ensure you are smarter amongst your peers, using the six degrees of separation principle.

The Six degrees of separation is the psychological theory that everyone, every opportunity and everything is six or fewer steps away, by way of introduction, from any other person in the world, so that a chain of “a friend of a friend” can get you anything you desire.



Creating communities is the future of great business. At Hexavia, we understand where the world is going and we understand the city’s madness and your lack of time to study, to pause, to allow growth and opportunities to catch up with you. So to help, we are creating online platforms alongside the Hexavian Masterclass. The Masterclass remains the entrance point. And after attending the Masterclasss, we have decided to walk with you throughout your life time (corporate mentorship). This is at no extra cost or hidden charges. Our brand promise is that we will always help you to hang out with value, meet new people, have fun and indulge in collaborative learning because “None of us is as smart as all of us.” – Ken Blanchard.



The concept is fun yet revolutionary. First, if you really know how awesome and powerful you are through self discovery and synergy, you’ll be afraid of you. It’s deep. My dear, we are really not physical beings with a spiritual part, rather we are spiritual beings with a tiny physical part. What we are doing is deep.



..”This life is a journey to wherever we go”. Decide to have a blast on that voyage and you’ll stumble upon self discovery, your unique route to greatness. You can be more. Your mind is not an empty vessel to be filled, but a fire to be ignited.  HBC and Hexavia was designed to be that spark to it. This depends on what you’d know and who you’ll meet, same as your success here. Welcome to our world. Join and get your network in too.’

For more details: Visit https://localhost/hbc/

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1 comment

The Downside To Business Partnership – Hexavia Business Club February 25, 2019 at 6:01 pm

[…] recently had a conversation on partnership one of our WhatsApp business groups, and we thought to share with you some of the key points […]


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