The truth is, new year resolutions has never worked for me. I believe it doesn’t for a lot more who are sincere enough to acknowledge it. And then a few years ago, in one of those eureka moments while I was away for the end of year/ Xmas Calabar Carnival, I discovered a more suitable concept, a central and just one unifying focus that guides all my steps and mind map for the new year. I assign just one word to it. It’s called “Theme”.
My theme for the 2016 year was Synergy. One word, synergy. And 2016 was that year where I created the most synergy ever (I was included on a few boards, we started our own community (HBC-HexavianBusinessClub). This thing works. 2017, and yeah, I did grow, building on the relationships from 2016. So, for free, let me introduce you to the concept, of having a “Theme” and asking you about yours for 2018.
The truth is, looking at the basic concept of time, chronology and the modern calendar developed by Julius Caesar, in depth you’d realize that the difference between 2017 and 2018, is the difference between having the letter “P” when pronouncing the word “Psychology”, no difference. Except when you do things differently.
My suggestion is that before the year starts, start it from defining a theme, and then bearing it in mind and using it in specifically creating objectives per touch points of your life ( these objectives are called touch points and they are dependent variables of an independent variable (which I’ll call a “theme”). Broken down into objectives will be say Finance, Relationship, Health, Family, Personal Development, Spiritual, Recreation etc ), and then ensure you take each one and then break them further down into numerically (quantitative) or qualitatively (degree) MEASURABLE goals.
But dont stop there. That’s just the first step. You need to mind map it into a graphical format, like I did with my friend, get a partner (an accountability partner) to share it with. You guys should stick it up where you’d see it more often and work yourselves through it. Mine is on the door of my wardrobe. I suggest she puts hers next to her mirror.
Please I beg of you, you’ve got to do this before 2018 starts. Not doing this before 2018 starts will be like you spending 365 days climbing a ladder only to get to the top, and then realize that it’s been leaned on the wrong wall. Pre-define things, else you may end up like my 2 years old niece…always busy…so busy… doing She will run and even fall a few times just to get you toothpaste, but you said toothbrush. It’s like the Drake song “Trophy”, there’s no award for that!

All failures starts when you fail a maths of life (LPV = MPL – MAL), because you’ve made your MPL and MAL so far apart, never to meet because your calling and your current job is as parallel as the number “11”. You exist but not living. You’ve been alive in a mind and body not your own.It’s like cheating in an exam, but the person you copy has a different question paper type…oops!
It’s called misuse!
Like a Ferrari in Lagos traffic.
At that point you feel useless and confused. Your world and year becomes like copied assignment….you can’t explain it.
My dear,
Greatness starts from understanding a simple maths:
Let me explain,
All these eventful days like anniversaries, funerals, New Year means nothing, the two most important days of a man’s life is 1) the day he was born and then
2) The day he finds out the reason why he was born. Sadly, it is possible to live all through on earth without knowing number 2, most people don’t. I pray your theme leads you to it. If you do it right, it should.
I know you hate mathematics. Well, sadly I do, and since l had my first university degree in it, let me try to break it down.
Your LPV (Lifetime Performance Variance is what you deliver for the year), it is MPL (Maximum Potential Limit, your greatest capacity for the year created by God ) MINUS your MAL (Maximum Attainable Limit, the capacity chosen by you, what you THINK is your limit). You determine your LPV.
That is, at every point in your year or life (LPV), you are between what you were created to be (MPL) and what you choose to be (MAL, where you are).
The idea is to end the year empty (0 LPV), because you have used all you set out to achieve and was created to do that year.
You reduce your LPV by increasing your MAL (the limit to what you can do) and decreasing MPL (using up what God put in you positively). Don’t be a victim of micro-economics amortization and depreciation. Utilise 2016 Lifetime Performance Variance, LPV. It starts from defining what it is, theme.

Written by
Eizu Uwaoma
For : TheHexavianMasterclass
Start ups and Corporate Restructuring. BusinessPlan. Strategy.
Brand. Mgt Consulting. Training.
About Eizu Uwaoma
Eizu Uwaoma is the founder & lead strategist of Hexavia, a business, brand, training & management consulting firm. Through his weekly features nationwide on radio, he connects with more than 5 million professionals, personally interacting with over 500 top executives & has intervened in over 50 businesses. He has a proficient gift, skill and experience in enterprise development. He is an authority in brand, human capital and business training as well as project consultancy.
He runs the Decoded, a monthly hangout for professionals in all major Nigerian cities facilitates at the Hexavian Masterclass and is the founder of the Hexavian Business Club.

Awesome! Thank God am a part of the community.
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