They are finding the right Passion, Personality , Problem, People, Product, Platform, Profit, Posterity
I mean
What is my (1.) *PASSION*,
How do I align my( (2) *PERSONALITY* with my passion
What is the (3) *PROBLEM* that my passion can solve
Who are the (4) *PEOPLE* with that problem that I can help with my passion
As a business, how best can I sell it. I mean what is the (5) *PRODUCT* you are selling in alignment to the problem
How do I find a (6) *PLATFORM*. May I state here that if no one is ready to give you one, (which is most likely), create one.
Please (7) *PACKAGE *yourself and the other 6 mentioned above ( ensure that it is unique, consistent and easy to identify.
Because you are a business, Make (8) *PROFIT*
Don’t stop at profit, go one step into *POSTERITY*, ensure it is built to last or transferable.
#ReflectionWednesday , #HBC, #Masterclass, #Consulting, #Hexavia

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