February 23, 2025
Hexavia Business Club
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Nintendo, a Japanese word for “leave luck to heaven”

And that’s what the company did.

21 Hexavian Laws of Business, Case study : Nintendo.

Nintendo is one the world”s largest gaming, game consoles and game development company.

In the 80’s they knocked out Atari and Family com and grew by developing great comic and game characters like Mario, Donkey Kong and Zelda *Hexavian Law 8, Creativity.

In the 90’s they had 92 percent of the Market share. And then became distracted by their success and monopoly. They began to treat their developers, 3rd party partners and alliances wrongly. And then Sega came and knocked them out *lack of HexavianLaw 7, People, Law 14, Leadership and Law 5, Character.

But they returned with a bang, by blue ocean strategy (moving from a red bloody ocean of sharks (competitors) to the blue waters, a business art of winning through an uncontested market place) *HexavianLaw 15, Business Strategy, spotting the future of mobiles and handheld device, they invented:

The Nintendo Game boy! *HexavianLaw 11, Innovation

But the Gameboy used finger batteries and its life couldn’t for too long hold full color */ so it invented the monochrome *. Brick building game, The Tetris!

They were knocked out again by Sega Dreamcast. And while they struggled…

Two Giants came into the Industry, with lots of money and a better strategy. They already were known for superior products and demographics of computers *HexavianLaw 18, Demography. It was Sony (Playstation) and Bill Gates (Microsoft Xbox)


//to be continued//


Written By Eizu Uwaoma, 
© Hexavia!.

BusinessPlan. Strategy.
Brand. Mgt Consulting. Training.


About Eizu Uwaoma

Eizu Uwaoma is the founder & lead strategist of Hexavia, a business, brand, training & management consulting firm. Through his weekly features nationwide on radio, he connects with more than 5 million professionals, personally interacting with over 500 top executives & has intervened in over 50 businesses. He has a proficient gift, skill and experience in enterprise development. He is an authority in brand, human capital and business training as well as project consultancy.

He runs the Decoded, a monthly hangout for professionals in all major Nigerian cities facilitates at the Hexavian Masterclass and is the founder of the Hexavian Business Club.

Follow this link to the audio version of Law of Demographics: https://anchor.fm/lawsofbusiness/episodes/LAW-OF-DEMOGRAPHICS-ehenu0

To download the complete Hexavian Laws of Business Audio Book, click on the link below:


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