March 10, 2025
Hexavia Business Club
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Infiltrating a System: Big Brother

Yes, you can have fellatio cunninglingus (blow job), suck nipples, finger a lady you have no marital or emotional relationship with as long as there is a camera on and you may go home with as much as 25 million Naira in a recession, welcome to Big Brother Nigeria.
If you don’t like Big Brother Nigeria, change your channel, decide to not watch or not own a TV like me or just start your own show, full stop.

We once chased out entertainment from PrimeTime on Rhythm FM because we raised funds that could counter the all music no content theme of that time belt and replaced it with Sharing Life Issues with Chaz B. Shallow people enjoyed it too because we mixed cerebral and intellectual content with fun engagement. It’s called commercial appeal. We could do it because we had a plan.  Personally I will talk about business on air, but cite the likes of Beyoncé, , I will say stuffs like “do you know her hard work ethics or brilliance of Coca Cola and Jay-Z to marketing”. That way, everyone can relate so you kill two birds with one stone. Salvation Ministry is gradually turning the red light districts of Port Harcourt’s GRA into parking lots for cars in the church because they can, they can afford it. That’s how things work.


If we really want to stop the soft pornography and unintelligent show you call Big Brother Nigeria, from killing intelligence and our children’s mind, we need to step up our game. We need to infiltrate the same media by building our own ecosystem that can have products like intelligent shows that are exciting enough for the average mind. Sadly, those minds are the occupants of most market and that makes up 70 percent of this country. Create exciting shows but hidden with value and they will be engaged too and it will help you also get corporate sponsors and audience and maybe you can make Big Brother Nigeria irrelevant or questionable. It’s how you effectively fight such system.
The truth is, we live in capitalism , by this, Nigerian Government has nothing on Big Brother as a brand or other purely entertainment channel, no one has, sadly. It is legal, it has an amazing followership and it pays tax.
DSTV came to Nigeria to make money off our crave for excitement  and that is exactly what they are doing. It’s really not their fault, it’s ours.  Criticizing the seller of entertainment is like me pointing to the Mallam that sells cigarette on my street. He is only trying to make money and he’s not forcing you to smoke, neither is he smoking himself, no one forced us to change the channel. Sponsors are businessmen too who will put their money where their products will be seen the most. It’s called show biz, the easiest way to destroy the morals of a city is to get in their minds using media. And to repair it is through the same means. The solution to it is for sound people to infiltrate the system, this is why we all should take a course on Subliminal Advocacy and  read Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky.
What it takes is for the intellectuals and ‘supposedly morally upright to do” is to start their own show and use the same media power and psychology of what the audience wants to build media power. There is a case study. In the 90s, Tafawa Balewa Square in Lagos was known for the wild night shows sponsored by The cigarette company, Benson and Hedges, today, that same event centre every year is almost owned by House on The Rock and it houses still the biggest music concert in Africa, but it is called “The Experience”, a gospel show. Same relative concept, media hype, coolness, buzz, an overnight concert but now it is gospel. That’s how you infiltrate a system
Previously, it looked like, to “hammer in music” you must sing about women, drugs and alcohol, the churches and their pastors sat there in the altar, preaching and writing articles, but practical value is Christ Embassy setting up a very lucrative record company as a reversal to that trend. They created their own gospel ecosystem and today, people like Sinach and Frank Edward have shown that you can be a multimillionaire from singing songs that make sense. It takes more than articles, people need to step up and use the same  platform inversely, else it will be business as usual .
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