Quick question guys: Why is Suya sold only at night?
Why do you avoid marketers, like Jehovah Witness visits on Sunday?
Why are you still reading this?
Because it is interesting, engaging and perhaps you think it will add value right? This is how people buy these days.
At the Hexavian Business Club, Every Tuesday is #ImprovementTuesday
And today, we explore “How to sell more with no ads and marketing”.
With too much ads everywhere plus social media, as the world gets to the breaking point of information overload, the future of business moves away from marketing and goes back to the value of word of mouth. This will depend on the value and stickiness of the message, the context of the message and the quality of the channels that carries it (which must satisfy The Law of The Few. This states that for a message to go viral, it must be sticky and initiated by a small select group of people categorized into mavens (experts), sneezer (broadcasters/platforms with large but targeted followers of like minds), connectors (socialites and networkers) or all put together. But, there are steps to it.
Yes, there are 5 steps to Effective Marketing. And coincidentally, these 5 steps has an acronym called
S.T.E.P.S is that sticky enough?
I mean they must contain
S=Social Currency
T= Triggers
E= Emotions
P= Public Display
S= Story
Social currency helps sell. If your offering, message or product can add value to the ego of any man, he will patronize and tell others about you. Rumors and secrets spread fast because a part of it feels like it is an exclusive gist by the carrier. Make people feel smart, good, cool and special else they won’t share it.
Trigger: While selling, look out for that thing in their present environment that will remind them about you when you’re gone. I mean, there must be a call to action or a reminder of a correlation (take for example, Football and Beer goes together for the boys, so Heineken sponsors UEFA. Alcohol and sex goes together, so prostitutes stay next to major bars, same way the mallam sells cigarettes and condoms a few radius away too. Complementary brand owners should associate. Another example is, Soda and Food goes together, so Coca Cola brands your canteen tables. The same way hawkers pair in Lagos traffic, one sells gala, but stands next to the guy that sells Lacasera #SmartMove). Do you know your brand associations and how well have you created top of mind by aligning with it.
Emotions: The more you care about something, the more likely you’ll share. Ensure that your message and product invokes an emotional trigger (passion, humour, arousal, anger, love etc).
Practical Value: Ensure that they can test or experience it (freemiums), maybe it could be as simple as making your restaurant a see through to show the large crowd effectively being served while the air duct of the kitchen is connected outside to tempt their aroma, a display of your testimonials or as a free tips to having a great wedding if you’re an event manager.
Stories: Create either a deep, engaging or exciting narrative and ensure that it carries your brand with it.
Let’s measure and set 2020 targets, vision boards and strategic mind maps together.
It’s the end of the year, a perfect time to review performance, set goals and mindmap a better new year ahead. Who is handling your team’s retreat and end of year/2020 corporate planning sessions?
You can either engage us for your retreat/2020 strategy sessions or join our open end ones with other team member for this December. Who is up for a retreat/ strategy session for their team. #LimitedSlot #CorporateRetreats #StrategySessions
My name is Eizu, I hope this helps. Now go ahead to have a great Tuesday. #ImprovementTuesday
Eizu, ©Hexavia!
Corporate Trainings, Retreats and Strategy Sessions. Business StartUps and Corporate Restructuring Consulting
T: 08035202891
Visit our website: hexavia.ng
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