True story. I travel a lot. And extra-ordinary service doesn’t cost that much. I once flew into a new town in Calabar and the airport taxi guy asked me what genre of songs I liked, he played it, plus he had a blackberry car charger and a cold bottle of water! His #Creative. S.O.P blew my mind!
Wouldn’t you give him tips, or at least use the same cab guy when next you’re in town? Exactly!
“The only validation for great service is repeat customer-ship”.
I remember when I once got into Port Harcourt pretty late and all the hotels in G.R.A were booked. And then this hotel manager offered me a room in his house for the night. The wife also gave me a meal and in turn sold me a project. He won me over forever. And ever since I’ve referred countless businesses their way. #loyalty This isn’t customer service, its customer experience!
When a market gets choked, go the extra mile, it’s less crowded, for most people don’t travel that far. It’s priceless in building brand equity.
A great experience and brand equity is everything. When Gillette was acquired by Procter and Gamble in early 2005, only $6b of the $57b purchase price was for its tangible (touchable) assets, the vast majority of the value being in its BRAND equity and trusted CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE. It’s not what you’re selling, but how it’s sold (branding).
You don’t put a good product in a bad container! Branding Don’t let your customers pay you from their pocket, but from their heart.#emotionalConnect.
Create your life and business model around it…
I’ll see you at the next masterclass…
The Hexavian Masterclass is a 9 hour intensive class on business, brand, and strategy and project management.
See you in class.
Eizu Uwaoma is the founder & lead strategist of Hexavia, a business, brand, training & management consulting firm. Through his weekly features nationwide on radio, he connects with more than 5 million professionals, personally interacting with over 500 top executives & has intervened in over 50 businesses. He has a proficient gift, skill and experience in enterprise development. He is an authority in brand, human capital and business training as well as project consultancy.
He runs the Decoded, a monthly hangout for professionals in all major Nigerian cities facilitates at the Hexavian Masterclass and is the founder of the Hexavian Business Club.

This is really informative and educative. According to Simon Sinek, people do not buy what you do but why you do what you are doing. I believe that successful customer experience can come from learning and attending to a customer according to his/her emotional language. The emotional language can be more understood from Gary Chapman’s The Five Emotional Love Languages.
Also, a customer can feel more responsible towards an oranization if he or she develops a personal experience towards the organization. According to an article I wrote on my blog “The Three Principle of Relationship” (www.shimonkepha.blogspot.com), a customer will feel the personal experience if he or she feels:
1. accepted
2. wanted
3. someone is committed to his or her wellbeing.
Still learning…