October 27, 2024
Hexavia Business Club
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How and Why You Should Create Processes

True Story.

There was once a defect in the process of the running of a zoo in an amusement park. It was a lovely summer day. The zoo attendant was sick and his assistant had to step in. There was no on-boarding process, no ground rules no KSS, no knowledge transfer.

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That bad process led to negligence, that led to the lion’s new caretaker skipping a process for managing the lion (no SOP was handed to him). And the lion in turn skipped a meal, which made him hungry and restless enough to hit the bolt of the zoo gate. And for the lack of attention to detail, the  badly locked door with a rusted hinges broke open and the lion ran out to the park, killing over 10 kids that summer day. Imagine if your kid was one of them. That tragedy shut down the 50 year old park and left the company in depth of over a billion dollars plus imprisonment.

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Now that’s what happens if there is a tacky process or no process at all. That happen when structure, process and reliability is compromised. Just a hint.

At a recent strategy session some days ago, the entire theme was on Processes for Sustainable Business. So I decided to share excerpts from it.

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Structure and processes are important. As a CEO you put your whole heart and soul into your work, only to lose your mind in the process because of the people you pay salaries. You don’t have to burn yourself up just to give light, leave that for candles.

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In your business, let’s help you flow chart every major task (starting by creating structured departments. And then create an organogram, then per person in an organogram, their job description and then their task), then use that in creating a framework with processes to ensure a repetitive trail and blueprint for enterprise sustainability. But first, there has to be a compliance person, a predefined reporting style, mindmapped and flowcharted algorithms of  processes, policies, procedures and task evaluation and performance and growth measurement before it can work.

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The main idea of an operations plan for the business, is to run itself semi-automatically. This way, even a dummy can function ingeniously in your organization without you.

Take for example, I’m sure you’ve noticed how much I travel and Hexavia still runs. I spend most of the time in Hotels and at the airport, so when do we run such a powerful brand as Hexavia. I sit on a few other boards too. How do I do it? Your work isn’t supposed to be operational but strategic. If your organization is structured enough, then networking and strategy should be your main JD. Your work is not to work “in” your organization, but to work “on” your organisation.

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Let your SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) guide your system. At Hexavia, we can help you create a structured system that works (from admin to HR, to customer services, to product development and sales, to project management, corporate culture, monitoring and control mechanisms and internal mentorship structure for knowledge and competence transfer etc). It doesn’t matter how big or small your company is, make it auto run so you don’t sweat the petty things and then pet the sweaty things. #SOPs

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