Sadly, 22nd of November 2014, we lost Chaz B. It’s been two years now, but the memories are forever new in our hearts.
It’s been a long two year and it’s been hard to not remember at every single point, the memories, the value and support he gave.
One of those days afterwards, we took a stroll with the family through the grave yard of the private vault to drop off some flowers, and perhaps renew our promise to keep being strong in his values, hope and in touch with the family. As I strolled, I began to play back memories.
I remember him dancing at my last 2 birthdays before he passed on. I remember breakfast at his house with Mona Lisa and his lovely wife especially during drafting plans and strategy for his move from Inspiration FM to a national network on Rhythm FM. I remember him talking to me about women, success and fame and how he gets over. I remember him showing up for my first ever Hexavian Masterclass as a participant. He sat all day in class listening, asking questions and taking notes, even though he was my mentor. I remember days in the studio, when Uncle Chaz like I fondly called him will have his own personal burdens (health, finance, life), but will conceal it, with a weak body, a hurt back and he will still take the calls of people who felt it was their birth right for him to solve their problems and that of others. I will just sit and watch. And we will go on a commercial break and he will smile, then turn around and say, “Eizu, the show is called Sharing Life Issues with Chaz B, but these guys don’t ask, who does Chaz B share his own issues with?”. He will come back and solve their problems practically. I got to later find out who he shared those problems with. One of those people gave up a kidney for him and was by his side that morning he passed on. I remember Chaz B today and always.
The truth is, when people pass on, they will either be remembered for either the problems or the solutions they created, the same goes for us all. The people most remembered are people who created solutions that paved way for us. I call it, people who engaged themselves with the Salmon Run. The salmon is a special kind of fish.
The salmon is determined. They swim against the heavy current in the salt water sea, leaping forward each time the tide draws them backwards thereby building so much muscles to carry on. This migration is called “Salmon run”
The purpose of the Salmons’ upstream move is to get to the fresh water where they themselves were born so they could spawn their new borns into a better place and then die of exhaustion (putting in their best) and fulfillment.
I find this concept interesting.
Isn’t this what we all should be doing?
What are you leaving behind?
If you were to leave today, what would you want to be remembered for?
What do you want written on your tomb stones?
Whether life or business, there’s only two lasting legacies we can give… one is roots (start a cause, an empire), the other wings (carry on and pass it on successfully). Chaz B was a root to a lot of us. We appreciate but wished he had stayed longer. He left too soon. But I wipe my tears and replace that with a smile. This is because he is in a much better place. So he isn’t exactly two years away in remembrance, but two years older in heaven and most of us right here, promises to be at our best and to carry it on.
In the forest of greatness and success, one generation plants a tree just so the next generation can get the shade. Thanks for giving us the shades, thanks for the touch, for touching lives, and for passing on to us, the touch. That touch of light is in our hands and we are grateful… Rest well sir.
Below is a short clip on Chaz B
Eizu Uwaoma
CEO : Hexavia!

We wished we could hear his voice more but we will console ourselves and make do with the new VOICES he propagated….
RIP Chaz B
He was truly a greatman and we will continue to miss him but most importantly, we will do and be better because he taught us how. God bless his family. S