March 10, 2025
Hexavia Business Club
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Extra Ordinary Work Ethics

Work Hard. Baby, what’s love without money? Let’s be real. RomANCE without FInANCE is a NuisANCE

Steve Jobs’s first girlfriend, Chrisann Brennan, wrote a memoir about her time with the tech giant. It’s called “The Bite in the Apple”. I think you should read it.

Steve Jobs was a boring guy. The kind that ladies wont notice in high school. However, Steve jobs at 23 made his first 1 million dollars, at 24, 10 million dollars and at 25, 100 million dollars. Now, that even to my mother will be sexy. Swag is cool, but class and success is better. Men are to be providers. Men are like bank accounts, without a lot of income, they don’t generate interest.

Don’t let pleasure distract where you are going to. Don’t lose your stamina on the fast lane, keep that conversation in your head and persevere till you get there. I love golf. You can hardly play golf and not be successful, not necessarily from the network but because of the stamina, conversations and perseverance you learn from it. It requires perseverance, maturity and staying emotionally intelligent from a standard 18 holes. A wise man at a golf game once told me, “Eizu as you grow, comfort and distractions may set in. But never let a win get to your head and a loss to your heart”. You will never reach your destination if you stop to throw stones at every dog that barks at you. Don’t let offence or pleasure distract where you are going to.  Success is all about work process and ethics. Stay true to you. Extra ordinary work ethics means hard work and commitment. And commitment means staying true and loyal to what you said you’ll do; way after the mood and situations you said it has left you.

I do not advocate all work and no play. As a young team in Hexavia!, we sometimes turn up. I once suspended a colleague because we went out, had drinks and a blast, we came back and he couldn’t wake up the morning early enough for a client’s session. Never allow pleasure affect work. You can’t splurge away your own income, you can’t get high on your own supply. Most artists usually have their first albums as their best album. This is because they stopped being what made them great. They have become uninspired. What actually happens is that success has begun to eat away the depth of hunger. Think. What keeps Dangote awake and let’s him sleep only 4 hours a day for all these years. How about the extraordinary work ethics of the likes of Tiger Woods, Beyonce, Usain Bolt, Pele, Serena Williams, these are ordinary people with extra-ordinary work ethics. They set and break their own records. Having been interacting with successful people and clients over these years, I’ve come to the conclusion that great guys are really not “extra”-ordinary geniuses. They all seem to follow the same trend of thought process and work ethics. They put in “Extra”-work!

Tiger Woods, Beyonce, Usain Bolt, Pele, Serena Williams, these are ordinary people with extra-ordinary work ethics. They play hard, work harder, they set and break their own records.

Setting High Standards.
Pele of Brazil was among the first set of players to win two world cups. But in 1970, he won his 3rd world cup medal , a feat yet to be equalled by any footballer·
Tiger Woods in his 20s made over 500million. But in less than a decade, he doubled it. He moved on to 14 major championships and 79 PGA tour victories. He is the first athlete to reach 1 billion US dollars career earnings.
Usain Bolt nicknamed ‘Lighting Bolt’ set a 9.69 sec world record and broke the record himself in Berlin 2009 with a 9.58 sec new world record. He has promised to continually break his own record.
setting high standards 002
Serena Williams’s Wimbledon 2016 crown was her 9th grand slam title since reaching her 30th birthday. No other female player has won more than 3 grand slam singles titles after turning 30 years of age.
Beyonce just before the end of 2013, toured the whole of United states in less than two months. It was almost impossible and just when we felt sorry for her fatigue, she released about that time, an entire album with 17 music videos kept secret. She shot those videos even as she was on a world tour?
setting high standards 001
Interacting with successful people and clients over these years, I’ve come to the conclusion that great guys are really not “extra”-ordinary geniuses. They all seem to follow the same trend of thought process and work ethics. They put in “Extra”-work!
A very rich mentor of mine once sarcastically said to me ”romance without finance is a nuisance”.
Life 1002
My dear, to double your success, its simple: Be the best, and then the next time, get better at that best. It takes time though. Like pregnancy, some things just take time/resource, tests and requires discipline and commitment. It takes 9 month to give birth. A baby can’t be delivered in 1 month by getting 9 women pregnant! ‪#‎Work‬!
What distinguishes the merely talented from the truly great is drive — the willingness to get in earlier, stay later, and do more than everyone around them.
Go Further!
That’s why in Hexavia, our slogan is “Go Further!”.. And our cliche is, //If what you’ve done yesterday still looks big to you, today, then you haven’t done much today// Go Further Ahead.
‪#‎HexavianBusinessClub‬ , ‪#‎HexavianMasterclass , ‪#‎Decoded‬ is the hangout that runs on the eve of every masterclass powered by #HBC.
Eizu Uwaoma
Eizu Uwaoma


©Eizu, Hexavia!
Strategy. Business Structure. Trainings. Mgt Consulting

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About Eizu:

Uwaoma Eizu is the lead strategist at Hexavia! He is a graduate of Mathematics with two MBAs and over a decade of experience working with startups and big businesses. His core is in building startups and in corporate restructuring. He is also a certified member of the Nigerian Institute of Management, Institute of Strategic Management of Nigeria and the Project Management Institute, USA. By the side, he writes weekly for the BusinessDay newspaper.

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1 comment

Eizu May 20, 2020 at 11:18 am

So “las las”, which is really better for our health, “6packs” or “six figures_”.. 🤡


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