March 10, 2025
Hexavia Business Club
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Do It Your Own Way

The most successful businesses/organizations all function with the same principles. But what gives them a different playing ground and distinguishes them from the rest are methods.. And one of my favourite method is being Genuine.

Being genuine comes from a place of doing things your own way. My favourite quote of all time as regards to marketing is by Phillip Kotler “Marketing is not the art of finding clever ways to dispose of what you make. It is the art of creating genuine customer value”

Most of the time this is the struggle, to be different from others wondering if we would be accepted and if we are, where do we go from there. But your truth all starts from your goals. You can’t achieve your goals trying to be someone else, or just a reflection of another brand, except that is your goal. And goals are not achievable focusing on competition, friends or foes, well yeah they might trigger the motivation to do more. As our personalities differ so should our product personalities as well.

We all have the capacity to build and create but creativity comes from being in touch with what makes us unique because that is where value for your product or self comes from.

So understand the principles (fundamental concept of whatever area of specialization that help you get things done) then do it your own way.

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