Today, I’m sorry, there’s no sermon. Let’s go on a ride instead.
After reading this, begin a voyage. At least, before the end of this week, “Please Take a Tour” to somewhere you haven’t been yet, your dream.
Visit that expensive car lot, that land/property you want to buy but can’t raise the capital, that Grad school website, that bridal store to check out that engagement ring or gown, or that apartment you can’t afford yet, tell the agent to take you on an inspection. He won’t say no, or will he?
This exercise is spiritual ( *calling those things which be not as if they were* (Roman 4:17).
A lot of rich people know this rule, that’s why Dangote has an open letter he has written to his staff in 2030 already (it’s about his future aspirations all written in past tense. I once personally had a chance to read it, as it was displayed on his floor, at his Marble House office in Ikoyi, Lagos).
You see my dear, the mind is relatively elastic. When you expand it, it expands, but never really returns exactly to the same size.
Everything in life, whether projects or success is created twice, first mentally, then physically.
Be closer to your aspirations.
Be ambitious.
Don’t cut your coat according to your size, else you’ll soon find yourself cutting your size according to your coat.
Having started early and unafraid to take bold steps, from experience, we know that you never can tell how far you can go, till you begin the first steps.
Just start that dream with what you have and the tools you need will be found on the way.
Sorry I’m about to curse on #ChurchForTheStreet, but damn it, God will never feed grown ass men sitting on their dreams, who do and have nothing (even with the story of Jesus feeding the multitude, they had a basket, with few fishes and bread, and then He multiplied it).
It’s a socio-spiritual economic theory called the Mathew effect (Harvard stole it from Matt 25:29). If you don’t start, then nothing can be multiplied; after all, in mathematics 0 X 0 will always be zero. Start, push, keep pushing and watch it multiply.
A man will be imprisoned in a room with a door that’s unlocked and opens inwards, as long as it does not occur to him to pull rather than push.
If we knew better, we’ll do better. Let’s connect circles.
Good Day and Happy Sunday!

I am Eizu, and We Are ©Hexavia!
T: 08035202891
Strategy. Mgt Consulting. Training.
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