“Oga pick your condom”, as he smiled to the teenager in church. He was oozing of St Moritz, SK and Arizona grades of weed and alcohol. It was the yearly cross over service. He was in Church because his parents forced him to. I wanted to offer to buy him a drink, then invite him over for a chat, because I could relate to that feeling. In my case, I didn’t even believe in what they did.
Look, some facts about our religion don’t add up, so it seems. I know how it feels, to feel that smart so you doubt the existence of God. For about 4 years, I didn’t step my foot in any church.
The root of the problem is, most of us are Christians or any other religion simply because our parents are. I didn’t want to be handed down beliefs, so I left into logic and free thinking and on my way, He just stood still right there till my ignorance found Him in his truest form.
I look back and I’m grateful for His mercy and the lessons He gave. I’m aware that most people won’t get a chance at the grace I have. That’s why I write #ChurchForTheStreets.
There are people out there, almost off. They are too mentally smart to comprehend infinite wisdom, sermons can’t even reach them. That’s why when I pray now, I just say “ Dear Lord, if anyone is in doubt or in search of you, point at me, and may they find you in me”.
Truth be told, we are the only God some people may ever see.
This Christianity is not for perfect people, it’s for perfecting people.
As a Christian, you don’t have to live everyday away from the world, like you are not a part of it, like you’ve packed your bag waiting for rapture. The brutal fact is that heaven and rapture might not come in your lifetime, you are the only God, the world may ever see. Allow them see Him through you.
From the way I have come to understand Christianity, The world doesn’t need more “perfect Christians.” It needs honest Christians who in their imperfections reveal a perfect God & perfect grace.
Everyday I see the pastor preaching mainly to choirs and congregations of people who already claim saved. The unsaved are immensely prospering in the boardrooms or hustling with their challenges on the streets.
The church is becoming bigger, but as buildings ONLY. They thrive in a nation of recession. Dude, chill with the sermons, invitations and tracts. We don’t need to see more people in church; we need to see more church in people. Let them see God first. Evidence terminates argument.
Let our light shine for all to see. Show it without the “thee” and “Thous” in a more open context; it will help more people and will help us see him more in everything. Life without spirituality is like an unsharpened pencil, no point. Spirituality is like Wi-Fi, you may not see it, but it can connect you to what you need. It starts by being Open. #ChurchForTheStreets
To read more on The HexavianSunday Series, #ChurchForTheStreets, visit
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#ChurchForTheStreets is also a book ( it is is a compilation of disruptive thinking on spirituality) , buy the e-copy here Buy Book