Excellence is an attitude, the result of always striving to do better than normal -ASPIRE TO BE OUTSTANDING
Most Nigerian businesses lag behind a lot in this section, our ability to create a world class brand is highly dependent on this Law. My advice is that you make it your core value.
How to achieve excellence in anything.
▪Have the hunger for excellence.
▪Benchmark against the best.
▪Believe that you can do it.
▪Built concrete strategy & plans.
▪Learn from the best.
▪Do not limit yourself .
▪Go all out; Work really hard.
▪Focus your efforts.
▪Be adaptable .
▪Never give up.
I hope it helps, if it did not…this YouTube video will do https://youtu.be/NeO4Aes1tMo
Or get the book on Jumia…https://www.jumia.com.ng/jumia-books-hexavian-laws-of-business-2-lecture-cds-279219.html
Reviewed by Eizu Uwaoma and Victor Bella for Hexavia!
..and we are©Hexavia!
PIN :2ACA3E1E,www.hexavia.net
Follow this link to the audio version of Law of Excellence and Growth: https://anchor.fm/lawsofbusiness/episodes/LAW-OF-EXCELLENCE-AND-GROWTH-ehemd0
To download the complete Hexavian Laws of Business Audio Book, click on the link below: