Somebody once told me a non religious definition of hell. He said “On your last day on earth, the person you became will meet the person you could have become.” . #apt #Scary
There’s nothing more important than finding that person you are meant to be. #PurposeDrivenLife
It will help you find heaven even while on earth. And the best time is now that you can. I found mine early and that purpose is to help people find theirs too, and then help build their whole life and business around it with these five basic steps:
The 5 steps to building a life, business and brand from a deeper sphere of purpose in what you do is as follows :
- Purpose Identification
2. Product Specialisation
3. Brand Differentiation
4. Market Segmentation and Community Concentration
#OnlineLearningManagenentSystem #ComingSoon #WeAllCan’tWait
Eizu, ©Hexavia!