A wise old man once said to me “we are all here to temporarily live but, to conquer the earth without losing our souls”!
“Go we must”. Life’s a series of battles, you can’t win all.
Life is one war with a series of battles. Some times, God let’s you lose some battles just to win the war.You lose some, you win some. Success is simply winning in aggregate more than your losses. Have fun while you fight. Engage in gamification (life’s a game, orchestrate whatever you do into a format of fun but ensure you win). And Don’t stay in one victory for too long for in this cold world, love and value are lost simply by sitting too long at a friend’s fire. Keep moving!
Life’s a game. So, don’t take it too seriously. Take risks, have fun for life’s a place where you can’t make it out alive, anyways!
Be open. Only “Great men are open to everything and attached to nothing”.
The world is big enough, dream that way.
Travel further, be on a conquest of knowledge and your thoughts shall discover new pathways to your personal fortune.
Like the ancient Vikings will say “let your mind anchor every treasure. Ensure that the larger the island of your knowledge, the longer the shoreline of your wonder”!
Be deep, travel further…. have the thirst to know. And as you drink, drink deep of it or drink not at all, for a little cup of knowledge intoxicates, but the drunk of it makes us deep and sober with wisdom.
I repeat, “whether life or business, the difference between you in 10 years, and you now is the quality of people and knowledge that will come your way. What are you surrounding yourself with?
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©Eizu Uwaoma,
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//To be more, do more, learn more!”//
Written By Eizu Uwaoma,
© Hexavia!.
BusinessPlan. Strategy.
Brand. Mgt Consulting. Training.