March 10, 2025
Hexavia Business Club
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Effect of Visual Impressions on Sales – KSS

Pareto’s principle states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effect comes from 20% of the causes. He went further ahead to say that most of the time we tend to focus on the 80%, neglecting the effect.
I will like to focus on one of the very important thing you might not consider while making preparation for your big sale. Most often, it forms a part of the 20% that helps us get the sale.
“The Effect of Visual Impressions on Sales”
I can literally decode whats in your mind now… Lol. Just like any other business owner will consider visual impressions to relate to just the external looks of their office space… Correct. But it simply does not end there. The visual impression for your business covers (but not limited to) your office signage, interior posters & design, advertisement and Employee Appearance.
Here it is… a part of the 20% that give 80% of your sales – Employee Appearance. This is one simple area of businesses that people seldom look into. This is a potent extension of your business’ brand statement and selling  strategy. It goes a long way to creating a positive impression of your company to both customers and other constituencies.
People begin forming judgement about you, your site, your business in an instant. In fact, an analysis carried out by The Paper Worker, a package creation company with 60+ years in business, says that almost 33% of consumer decision-making is based on packaging.
Case Study
  1. Ice water Vs Sachet Water: You remember that water tied in nylon and sold in traffic. In comparison with the new sachet water, which would you go for? 
  2. Sachet water Vs Table water: Lets take a step further. What makes you consider table water over pure water? 
  3. My experience in computer village:I was computer village some days back, in a bid to fix my damaged gadget. I came across this well dressed guy with his branded T-shirt (behind was written, “Engineer Slot Nigeria”. I thought to myself. I will trust a slot phone repairer who is will dressed than a road side who probably knows more.

This explains the psychology of buyers. They are first convinced by your initial appearance before your professional capacity. In other words, you are first a professional by your appearance before your skills.

Why are we focused on dressing?

Consider the following reasons:

  1. Your employees are messengers of professional change. That means their recommendation must not be mistaken for those of any other person. Their dressing presents them as professionals first.
  2. In the case of visit (by you or the prospect), you send a message that nothing special is happening. Whereas something special is happening because you showed up. 
  3. By not dressing professionally, you reduce your negotiating leverage. Consider a professionally dress plumber comes to fix your water system. You are definitely going to pay more. Lol
  4. You either sending the right or wrong impression with your dressing. This is not dependent on your capacity to deliver as it will only show after the sale is closed.
  5. For B2B sales, you might limit your options, which eventually limits your earning power.
I think this is good enough to convince you that your dressing is a vital tool to  boost your visual impression.

“To drive good sales, dress like someone whom your prospect would want to seek advice from. That is, you dress to dominate.”

So the question now should be, how does this work for my kind of industry?
The image above is a typical transport company driver. You just would accord him some level of respect, especially when his communication is decent enough to match the dressing. (Maybe, I will write on business communication soon).

Dress Recommendations for Businesses

Whatever business it is, I would recommend that a dress code policy for your business can help out. It does not necessarily mean that all of your staff are fully suited up on every occasion.
Therefore, I will suggest you adopt one of these three levels of employee dress standard:
  1. If you don’t want to limit the dress of your employees, I suggest that you adopt the first level of employee identification: the name tag. The name tag is nothing more than a pin-on sign that employees wear for identification purposes. This makes it possible for employees to choose their level of dress.
  2. The second level which is becoming used now is the branded T-shirts.
  3. The third level is the high-power “business suit” level. A suit or jacket with a tie or a blouse and skirt adds status and increases the perception of professionalism and respect.

Regardless of which strategy you adopt, the important part is that you adopt one. Communicate it clearly and enforce it consistently!

KSS BY: Isaac Chika Innocent

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