KaiZen (Continuous Improvement ) is a Japanese strategy where employees at all levels of a company work together proactively to achieve regular, incremental improvements in the manufacturing process. In a sense, it combines the collective talents within a company to create a powerful engine for improvement.
True business grows daily, not in a day-KAIZEN. Always look for 3 things, what to START, What to STOP and what to keep DOING.
How to improve Business Process
✔Map processes.
✔Analyse the process.
✔Redesign the process.
✔Acquire resources.
✔Improvement and communicate change.
✔Review the process.
I hope it helps.
©Uwaoma EIzu.
Strategy. Business StartUps and Corporate Restructuring Consulting
T: 08035202891
Uwaoma Eizu is the lead strategist at Hexavia! He is a graduate of Mathematics with two MBAs and over a decade of experience working with startups and big businesses. His core is in building startups and in corporate restructuring. He is also a certified member of the Nigerian Institute of Management, Institute of Strategic Management of Nigeria and the Project Management Institute, USA. By the side, he writes weekly for the BusinessDay newspaper.
Eizu, ©Hexavia!
Strategy. Business StartUps and Corporate Restructuring Consulting
T: 08035202891
Follow this link to the audio version of Law of Process and Continuous Improvement: https://anchor.fm/lawsofbusiness/episodes/LAW-OF-PROCESS-AND-CONTINUOUS-IMPROVEMENT-ehehla
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